Moroccan Journal of Agricultural Sciences 2025-02-21T13:17:10+01:00 Prof. Ahmed BAMOUH Open Journal Systems <p>Multidisciplinary journal that publishes original research articles and literature reviews in english and in the fields of agricultural sciences (agriculture, agronomy, rural engineering, topography, forestry, horticulture, food, nutrition and animal husbandry)&nbsp; (e-ISSN: 2550-553X) <a href=";hl=fr&amp;authuser=2">Google Scholar</a>.</p> Ethnozoological knowledge of reptile species involved in international trade: implications for sustainable conservation in Benin 2025-02-21T10:54:02+01:00 Barnabé SOSSA Chabi A. M. S. DJAGOUN Romaël Badjrêhou BADOU Thérence J. L. ZINKPE Achille Ephrem ASSOGBADJO <p>The objective of this work is to assess the evolution of international trade in reptile species in relation to their state of conservation at the national level. The study was carried out in southern Benin precisely in the municipalities with release sites. The sampling method used is the technique of stratified random sampling. The ethnozoological knowledge was therefore evaluated by a survey of healers, hunters, farmers. Various ethnozoological parameters were determined for each target reptile species. The target species are those regularly and legally exported over two decades. These species are locally known and there is a diversity of local names reinforced by a high ethnic coverage rate (T<sub>CE</sub>). The informants have a very good homogeneity of knowledge (IE ? 0.5) and a diversity of uses of reptiles in the study area is noticed. A total of thirty-two (32) uses were obtained, of which meat consumption (95%) is the most important. This confirms the fact that the endogenous values ??relating to reptile species are increasingly abandoned in favor of food uses. Note also that of all the types of specimens cited, only the whole animal is used much more. This confirms the drastic regression of reptile populations.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Reptile species, CITES-Benin, Endogenous knowledge, Conservation</p> 2025-03-15T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) Indigenous ecological knowledge, conservation status, and spatial distribution of Sterculia setigera in Togo 2025-02-21T13:13:55+01:00 Wouyo ATAKPAMA Hodabalo PEREKI Madjouma KANDA Bareremna AFELU Komlan BATAWILA <p>Indigenous knowledge of plant resources is very useful for their sustainable management. The present study aimed at understanding the indigenous knowledge for sustainable management of <em>Sterculia setigera</em> in Togo. In particular, it collected information on the ethno-ecological knowledge of <em>S. setigera</em>, its habitat, population dynamics, traditional management and spatial distribution in Togo. Data were collected through semi-structured individual and focus group interviews with 376 informants (almost all Togolese ethnic groups: 29), coupled with direct field observations. A total of 553 occurrences were recorded during the field observations. The results showed that knowledge of the species' habitat and population dynamics varied by geographical area, while management was sometimes influenced by socio-cultural considerations and use values. Human activities were identified as a major threat affecting the population dynamics of the species. The projection of these on the Togolese eco-floristic map showed that eco-floristic zones I and III were identified as areas with a high occurrence of <em>S. setigera</em>, while the species is almost absent in the semi-deciduous forest zone (eco-floristic zone IV). Further research on how climate change affects the species' habitat, propagation and planting should be encouraged.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: <em>Sterculia setigera</em>, ethno-ecology, distribution, Togo</p> 2025-03-15T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) In vitro efficacy of some fungicides for the management of Rice Blast Pathogen Magnaporthe oryzae 2025-02-21T13:17:10+01:00 Yahuza LURWANU Ibrahim TIJJANI Yahaya ABDULLAHI <p>Fungicides are used in agriculture for the management of plant diseases for effective food production. In this study, we conducted an <em>in vitro </em>experiment using three synthetic fungicides on mycelium growth of <em>Magnaporthe </em><em>oryz</em><em>ae</em>. Among the tested fungicides, percent mycelial growth inhibition was higher in Contaf 100 % concentration (86.1%) followed by Contaf 50 % concentration (85.0 %). The least inhibition was observed in Raksha 50% concentration with 43.3% inhibition. We also evaluated the effect of seed dressing chemicals on the percentage germination of rice seeds. The results showed that all seeds treated had over 80 % germination at 7 days after sowing (DAS) compared to untreated (control) seeds which had only 65 % germination. Germination was higher (85 %) at 7 days after sowing, with seeds treated with Raksha, followed by Star-dress with 84 % while the least germination was observed with the seeds treated with Apama plus 81 %. Furthermore, the impact of seed dressing chemicals on the rice seedling vigor was also evaluated. Highest seedling vigor was observed on seeds treated with Star-dress with mean seedling length of (22.5 cm) which showed the highest vigor index of 1893, followed by Apama plus with mean seedling length of (22.1 cm) and a vigor index of 1792. Least seedling length of (18.9 cm) was observed with Raksha which was even lower than the control (20.4 cm). Our results suggested that fungicides can be effectively administered for the management of plant diseases to support seed germination and seedling vigor.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> seed germination, seedling vigor index, seed dressing chemicals, <em>Magnaporthe oryzae</em></p> 2025-03-15T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Moroccan Journal of Agricultural Sciences